धन्यवाद everybody@ PIXAR.....
अत्यंत सुरेख सिनेमा..... हसता हसता पापण्याच्या कडा ओलावणारा....
मला आवडलेले काही विशेष सिन्स:
कार्ल आणि एली यांचा जीवनपट १० मिनिटात जो घडतो....एकाही डायलॉग विना .... speechless...
उडणारे घर जेव्हा वादळातून जाते...आणि त्यायोगे घरातील महत्वाचे सामान खराब न होवू देण्याची धडपड करताना कार्ल...
animations एकदम परफेक्ट.... एक एक व्यक्तिरेखा उत्तम आहे....
Ratatouille, WALL-E आणि आता अप ..... hats off to PIXAR....
3D मध्ये पहिला नाही याची खंत आहे......let's see when it will be released in 3D @ HYD।
आत्ताच wikipedia मध्ये पिक्सर बद्दल अजून चांगली माहिती मिळाली ....
In addition to the positive critical reviews the film received,
Up highlights Pixar's corporate image as an altruistic company through its charitable acts. In June 2009, a 10-year-old girl from
Huntington Beach, California was suffering from the final stages of terminal
vascular cancer. It is reported her dying wish was to "live to see the movie" despite the advanced stage of her disease. However, due to her deteriorating condition, the girl was unable to leave the family home. As a result, a family friend contacted Pixar and arranged for a private screening. A Pixar employee flew to the Huntington Beach home with various
Up tie-in toys and a DVD copy of the film। The child could not open her eyes, so her mother described the film to her scene by scene. The young girl died approximately seven hours after the screening ended.
ओरिजनल स्टोरी :